Let the People Decide
“How can American voters amend the Constitution and enact the National Initiative if Congress opposes it? The people must go around all three branches of government to amend the Constitution. There are only two venues within our government structure where constitutions, constitutional amendments, and laws can be enacted into law: the people or their elected representatives.
The Framers in Article 7 of the Constitution provided a procedure for We the People to ratify the Constitution and thereby create our government, but failed to provide procedures for the people to alter the Constitution, even though they repeatedly said the people had the right to change their government as they saw fit. James Madison had it right when he said that the people could just do it. The people can amend the Constitution and make laws as long as the process they employ is fair, transparent and reasonable.” –Late U.S Senator Mike Gravel
We the People of the United States are petitioning the United States federal government under our constitutional rights under the First Amendment which states that We The People have the “Right to Petition the government for redress of grievance.” It is our belief that enough time has passed since the original constitution was written and therefore it is only right that American citizens revisit the constitution to ensure that it meets the needs of the collective American people.
Proposed by “The Democracy Foundation” which was founded by late U.S Senator Mike Gravel, Citizens of the United States under a “direct decree” legal basis declare that the United States government that We the People have created, may, within reason, alter at any time in a similar fashion by process of a federal ballot initiative with an understanding that no amendments can be made to existing constitutional amendments that would violate the rights of any one group of American citizens but instead enhance the rights of the collective We The People.
Since the original framers of the U.S constitution made clear that U.S citizens “had the right to change their government as they saw fit”, a coordinating committing is currently convening in order to begin the process of a random Democratic lottery selection/election for American citizens to begin the process of amending, rewriting, and expanding the U.S constitution with the coordinating committee acting as a tribunal that has guidelines and rules that must be followed. This process of amending, rewriting, and expanding the U.S constitution will be made available to the public to offer clarity to the collective We The People. The American people will vote on the final proposed new constitution and they will be able to offer recommendations and suggestions to offer further clarity on amendments should they require it. Once American citizens vote on a new U.S constitution, it is recommended that another convention not be held for at least 10-20 years and that personal/community grievances with the government be addressed within the court systems.
Constitutional Amendment recommendations
“Article V is how the government amends the Constitution, not how the people do it. If the people had to use Article V to amend the Constitution they would need permission from two-thirds of the Congress and three-fourths of the state legislatures. This would mean that the creator of our government, the people, would have to get permission from their elected representatives. This logic is ludicrous. The constituent power of the people––the source of all political power––cannot be subject to the power of its creation.” -Late U.S Senator Mike Gravel
- Amend Article V to state that American Citizens may bring forth a ballot initiative to allow a vote to bring forward a U.S Constitutional Convention to amend the constitution that is led by We The People, Patriots of the United States. The process of the convention is to be led by American civilians that are elected or selected from a Democratic lottery process from each region of the United States including U.S territories and the convention must be held publicly for American citizens to monitor the process. American citizens of the public may register to the convention in order to give recommendations and suggestions to the selected delegates about amendments that should or should not be made (in person, virtual, by phone, and mail). All comments should be kept in historical archives. A randomly selected delegate may forfeit their position should they not wish to participate in the convention and the community in which the delegate was selected to represent can randomly select a replacement or elect a volunteer from the community. At least 1 delegate from each of the 50 U.S states are necessary and at least 1 delegate from each U.S territory. Total number of delegates from each state TBD but is not likely to exceed more than 10. Under guidance of the committee, delegates will be walked through a guided process of amendment recommendations or enhancements proposed by https://representall.org/about/. Delegates will be able to put forth recommendations of their own so long as they are, again, made in good faith.
- Amend the First Amendment to enhance clarity around “no church and state or political allegiance” mandates especially mandates regarding foreign bodies and enhance “right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances” in real time. Clarify that while individual freedom must always exist, that individual(s) cannot infringe upon the rights of the collective with intent to cause harm.
- Address acts of “treason & dual loyalty to foreign governments”. Put forth a clear clause in order to bring about (when necessary) charges against American politicians including U.S Congress and the President, who may or may not have engaged in crimes that warrant arrest which may include crimes of treason, genocide, & other violent acts whether they be against American citizens directly or foreigners in other parts of the world. Trial to be granted by jury of American citizens selected by a random lottery process. A federal judge may oversee the trial but may not interfere with the ruling process of the jury.
- Address the United States role within the United Nations & what the U.S civil duty is (if any) at the global level in order to prevent ongoing war & conflict and when necessary, support the United Nations in arresting those engaged in crimes of genocide & crimes against humanity. Make clear that no “authority” has the right to engage in war crimes, crimes of genocide & against humanity.
To read the full proposed amendments to the U.S constitution please visit https://representall.org/about/ for more information. Advocates are preparing to launch this effort effective immediately.
“It’s only right that you should know why I, a stranger, have become involved in your affairs. Believe me, it’s not because I am a Justice of the Supreme Court. It’s because, like all of you here, I am a citizen of this country. That is no little honour. Men have fought revolutions, have died, to be called “citizen”. And as citizens, we carry a burning responsibility. It means that when we elect men to public office, we, we cannot do it as lightly as we flip a coin. It means that after we’ve elected them we can’t sit back and say: “Our job is done. What they do now doesn’t concern us.” That philosophy of indifference is what the enemies of decent government want. If we allow them to have their way to grow strong and vicious, then the heroic struggle which welded thousands of lovely towns like this into a great nation means nothing. Then we’re not citizens, we’re traitors. The great liberties by which we live have been bought with blood. The kind of government we get is the kind of government we want. Government of the people, by the people and for the people can mean any kind of government. It’s our duty to make it mean only one kind – uncorrupted, free, united.”
“The question is not__”What will be best for man?” but “What will be best for the many?” and only those who can think with vision of the many as one, can state these principles satisfactorily”
(the below links are not affiliated directly with HTWWS)
If you want to resist the US war machine, the time to prepare is now. https://t.co/K233n65wpT pic.twitter.com/Tt4cuenBGX
— National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee (@WarTaxResister) October 18, 2023

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